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I grew up in San Antonio, came to Austin for college, lived in Houston, lived in Europe (18 months in a VW Microbus) and returned to Austin. My wife Gail and I have 2 grown kids and 2 grandsons from our son Tony. Our daughter is the (somewhat) well known performer Gina Chavez (Latin Grammy Nominee). I worked in high-tech before joining PC.
I became a Pampered Chef (PC) consultant ‘several’ years ago not knowing how to cook (LOL). I've now held over 1000 parties and am at the Director level. Pampered Chef is known for quality kitchen tools and is part of the Berkshire-Hathaway Empire. Rather than just buying, please consider hosting a party, either Live or Virtual. Chef Chavez hosts make out like bandits with awesome benefits of Free, 60% off, 50% off and then 10% off for 12 months. In addition to the traditional Host Rewards Party, we have:
• Shared Rewards party, up to 25% off everyone’s order
• Fundraiser party, a check is cut to the host’s favorite charity
• Registry party—wedding, anniversary, birthday, housewarming, baby shower, etc.
• All these can either be Live or Virtual
Let’s connect—I’d love to come Rock your Kitchen, either Virtual or Live!
Gene/Chef Chavez

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